The Impact of Using Your Surroundings for Your Creativity

Not able to come up with the lyrics of your song? Or feeling daunted while thinking about that perfect curve that will enhance your graphic design? The environment might be keeping you from going all artistic.

Some gifted people can be creative anywhere and at any time. But most of us require that perfect environment to showcase our hidden talent. While we have known the impact of the environment on health and well-being, it also shapes our creativity.

Several studies prove the connection between the environment and creativity. Be it your home’s interior design, the workplace environment, or the trees and sky in the outdoors, everything can trigger cognitive thinking in your mind to enhance creativity. Here are some ways in which the environment plays a role in bringing out the artist in you.

1. Lighting

Have you ever noticed a person being more conscious of exploring a dark room? If yes, you will understand my point that creativity spikes in dim environments. That’s precisely why some people like going to a dimly lighted coffee shop to complete their work. You can get rid of those bright ceiling lights to boost your creativity.

Dim is good in the indoor lighting. But on the contrary, when it comes to natural lights, the brighter is better. The natural light has the “blue light” component that boosts the immune system and thus creativity.

You can also try changing your PC’s desktop image to the blue sky to monitor the effect. The desktop image might help you get those lyrics to come out naturally.

2. Music or Noise

Silence can make you fall asleep and high volume can get you off track. Hence, steady ambient noise is what you want. That’s not anyone saying it randomly; research proves that. A steady flow of ambient noise, usually between 70 and 80 Decibel (dB), will get your creative juices flowing.

The theory behind it is that the mind naturally adapts to silence and high noise. But when your mind struggles to process the sweet spot of ambient noise, it starts taking more creative approaches.

You can listen to natural sounds such as wind, raindrops, or birds. Or you can even listen to moderate volume music. It’s okay if you want to groove along with the music. Let your body flow so that it paves the way for your mind to follow.

3. Color Scheme


The color scheme holds significance in the graphic or fashion wear you are designing. It also has equal importance when it comes to bringing out creativity. Some people debate over the use of red and blue colors. The thing is that red color is better when working on detail-oriented projects. But when it comes to pure creativity, the blue is always better.

It’s not just about the red and blue; other bright, visually interesting colors such as green can also help. For instance, sitting beside the walls with some great art can motivate the artist in you. These colors make you feel more energetic, adventurous, and playful. Such moods tend to conduce a more creative environment.

4. Space

You would have often seen people attaching the shapes with different meanings. For instance, something round sounds like harmony, and edges sound like confrontation. The same is true for creativity as well. Where and on what you are sitting or the surrounding clutter can impact your cognition.

When you are more relaxed, you might not be thinking creatively. But if you are seated with a straight back and on the edge of a chair, you will think with a different approach.

Also, the clutter in the surrounding can hinder your thinking. When you are sitting in a disorganized room, you lose that sense of self-control. The anxiety takes over your natural thought, and you become less persistent to keep making the efforts.

On the other hand, an organized, non-cluttered, and relaxed space helps you keep motivated. With a sound mind, you are bound to think more naturally and creatively.

5. Temperature

Like the red and blue colors, both hot and cold environments can trigger different thinking processes. A simple task where precision is a must, a colder temperature is better. It is found that a temperature of around 20 degrees is more helpful in keeping a person focused.

For complex tasks, where there is limited time, and we need to go by gut instincts, a warm environment is better. It keeps us from over-thinking about a piece of information to make the decisions.

Thus, next time you face a creative block, you know what changes you can make to your environment. Making these simple changes can boost your cognitive thinking and help you bring out the best of yourself.

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