4 Ways to Make Your Engagement Ring Photos Look Professionally Taken

Getting engaged is one of the biggest milestones you would go through in life and of course, you’ll most definitely want to share it with your friends and family. The easiest way to take a photo of it, especially if you do not have a professional photo in hand, is through your smartphone.

Most smartphones nowadays have amazing camera settings, but it would still take the right angle and proper lighting to give the ring justice through the photo. Below, we will talk about how to take good smartphone photos of your engagement ring to make people think that your ring went through high-end jewelry retouching because it looks amazing!

Find the Right Lighting

As mentioned, you have to find the right lighting before snapping a photo of your engagement ring. Natural lighting is a diamond’s best friend, so go ahead and take the ring outside for a good shot. You can even decide to use something as a prop — a fur rug, vintage chair, or table would look amazing with the ring!

If you have a ring light and would like to shoot indoors, then go ahead and do so. Make sure that the light’s focus is on the ring and that the shadows around it are minimal.

Set the Right Angle

The angle should depend on how big the ring’s diamond is, so make sure to play around with it to see which angle captures the shine and sparkle the most. Don’t be hesitant to turn the ring around to see which angle it fits well. Take a couple of shots and check them to see if you’ve got the shot you’re satisfied with.

Get a Manicure

While you might not be sure when your loved one will ask the question, you have to always be prepared if you ever feel like they will finally pop the question. Getting a good manicure before a huge vacation or special dinner date would be ideal, as you want those precious hands to look amazing in photos.

Most women (and even men) love taking photos of their hands with their engagement ring on their ring finger right after getting engaged, and of course, a clean set of nails and soft-looking hands will look amazing with the ring on!

Ditch the Flash and Don’t Zoom In

The flash on your phone will make the ring look weird, plus, it would not give your beautiful ring any justice. Ditch the flash and get as much natural or other types of artificial lighting as you can instead.

You also do not need to zoom in on the ring, as doing so will reduce the quality of the image. You can, instead, bring your hand in a little bit closer to the camera if you opt to focus on the ring itself.

Add a Filter

take a pic of your ring

There are tons of free photo editing apps for both iOS and Android, and you definitely can find the perfect filter as long as you have the patience for it. Even Instagram has amazing filters that you can use, so go ahead and explore that!

You would not want to bombard your friends with tons of engagement ring photos, so just choose the best photo from the ones that you took, edit it a little, and post it on your social media pages!

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